Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Distinct Aroma of Time-Travel

Abraham Lincoln was dead. Not because of John Wilkes Booth. No, he had failed his assassination attempt in 1865 and instead met the business end of a samurai sword. Lincoln had succumbed to the irradiated wastelands of 2056. Unfortunately for Mr. Lincoln his hazmat suit had received a small tear from one of the many borehounds that scouted the wastes for fresh meat.

Now the group sat mourning at a dive bar in 1965 Chicago; Bernie's Tavern. Nikola Tesla, a 20-year-old Goldie Hawn, and Ernest Hemingway sat at the table nursing various drinks. I had immediately started to regret picking up any of these people in my time-adventures. Although I had fostered delusions of grandeur about Tesla, it did no good when I couldn't speak Austrian, or whatever it was he spoke. All day he would just point and things and mumble something I didn't understand, or look really scared at some irradiated creature in the future and try to hit it with a stick. He was basically worthless. Hawn I had picked up for my own reasons. I had envisioned her becoming my damsel in distress during the time shenanigans, but all she did was sit in the corner and cry. She did talk to Lincoln for a while, but then he was torn apart by those hounds. Now all she does is cry and look really terrible; it wasn't even a turn-on any more. Hemingway was a real jerk. I picked him up because I thought I could use him in a fight, or maybe if we went big game hunting in the Triassic and needed to take down a stegosaurus or something. All he did was drink whiskey all day and awkwardly hit on Goldie Hawn, who was so catatonic we had to drag her around.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Time I Almost Destroyed Rob Thomas

It was mid-November in Wasilla, Alaska. I had been waiting for about three hours on a rocky outcropping overlooking a small natural lake. Surrounded by endless miles of trees I listened to the soft whisper of the wind as it blew through the nothingness. I checked my watch. It was almost time. I listened through the wind, sharpening my ears against the growing howl and finally heard it. The thump, thump, thump of what sounded like an old HH-65 Dolphin. Now it was unmistakable. I could see the small dot in the distance as it drew nearer to me. My vengeance was at hand.

I had given Mr. Thomas the following:

-1 six-inch full tang survival knife

-1 parka

-1 pillowcase of raccoon jerky

With this he would hopefully give me the satisfaction I had craved since I heard "3 AM" for the first time. His bindings would be cut at the last minute, he would be lowered to a safe height, and then thrown from the helicopter. I had explicitly told the pilot to be careful, if Thomas was hurt I would personally come after him instead.

I saw the body drop from the helicopter, hit a small bank of snow and go into a controlled roll. This was it. From my vantage point on the outcropping I could see that Thomas was scared. He looked around wildly after removing the bandanna from his eyes. I raised the war-horn to my lips and blew. Boooooooorooooooo. He looked in my direction but I knew that he didn't see me. His terror was showing through his face; the chase was on.

The sky was a dusky purple. This part of the world was plunged into thirty days of darkness once a year, but the encroaching dark would be days away yet. Thomas had started running west through a large pocket of trees, away from the frozen lake. I stood from my crouched position on the outcropping, exposing my naked chest to the bitter winds. I took the blood from an earlier kill, a doe that had wandered into my hiding place, and smeared it ceremoniously in the form of an eagle across my sternum and abdomen. I screamed into the wind as I ran from my vantage point.

I could spot the tracks from a mile away. Thomas had been stumbling around randomly for over an hour. At this point he would be tired and dehydrated, perfectly ripe for the vengeance that awaited him. I am the wolf, I thought to myself as I raced through the thicket, limbs lashing my face. I took the pain, welcomed it. Like a loving mistress punishing her slave I laughed maniacally as I ran into the cold loneliness. These are the times that try men's souls. Rob Thomas' soul to be exact, and I would soon steal it away like a small gremlin, or a really smart baby who could steal things.

I came through a break in the Alaskan Pines and saw, collapsed on the ground, the body of Rob Thomas. For a moment I thought I had been robbed of my vengeance by the wild Alaskan wilderness, but I only had a moment to contemplate this. Before I knew it, the trap was sprung. My foot slid from beneath me and there was a great pressure on my ankle as I was swept off my feet and upward. What the hell?! My mind was reeling, spinning... or maybe that was just because I was dangling from a pine, caught in a snare trap. I had let myself become too cocksure about Mr. Thomas. I hung there, spinning, until finally I met the upside-down gaze of Thomas himself.

He was now shirtless and bald, having shaven all his hair off with a sharpened piece of clamshell that lay in a pocket of bloody snow. The tables had turned.